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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Play DS Games on your PC or Laptop!! FOR FREE!!

Hello all,

Guess its been a while!,

So here it is how to play FREE DS and GBA (GameBoyAdvanced) games on your pc or laptop for FREE.

Using an Emulation software called NO$GBA + NO$ZOOMER.

NO$GBA is the actual Emulator and NO$ZOOMER is an addon to get more functionality out of the Emulator!, Simples!. 

Ok a quick how to for you all..

How To Install and Run the NO$GBA Emulator

The process is fairly straightforward:
  • Download the NO$GBA exe
  • Put it in a folder of your choice
  • Prepare your games (back up your cartridges onto your PC)
  • On running NO$GBA will ask for a cartridge/game to load, choose one
  • The game will run automatically

PC Hardware Requirements

The NO$GBA documentation states that a x386 processor should be able to run the emulator, albeit slowly. This may have been true when it was purely a Game Boy Advance emulator (but even then it would have been doubtful).
I recommend, at least, the following:
  • Intel Pentium (Or compatible) Processor
  • At least 256 MB of RAM (if you have only 256MB of RAM in this day and age - UPGRADE!)
  • Video card that supports DirectX9 (when playing any 3D games)
  • Windows XP/2000/Vista
  • Mouse - the emulator uses the mouse as an emulated stylus.
  • A Game Pad is recommended to get the best out of the games. Using the keyboard to play is often too hard.

Getting and Running the NO$GBA Emulator

NO$GBA Install FoldersThe steps to get and run the emulator are as follows:
  • Get the emulator from the Official NO$GBA website
  • (Or alternatively get the NO$GBA emulator from the Emulator Zone website)
  • Prepare your games by downloading the ROM image onto the PC - this is the most complex and difficult part of the process - but this step-by-step guide should help (or this one)
  • Unzip the downloaded emulator file into a folder you want the NO$GBA emulator to reside
  • Double click the 'NO$GBA.EXE' to run the emulator (you will be asked to choose the ROM image for a game before anything else which is why you need the ROM images prepared)
  • Simple as that (apart from the backing up games part!).
Once you have a game running see the next section for changing configuration details.


You can download your ROMS (games) from these helpful Sites!.
4), Plus hundreds of other sites!

EDIT: And remember it won't work without a Game so download a ROM first too!

New Windows 7 Activator CLEAN

Hi the old link is now dead down the page, So is the actual Activator (windows found it!).

So here is a fresh new one!,


If you have any other Activator installed just un-install and install this one, then Enjoy updates on Windows 7